Total Medals Earned: 1,661 (From 351 different games.) Total Medal Score: 25,400 Points
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/405 points)
Finish the Tutorial
Defeat the Wicked Obstacle Course!
Fall a long time for your ancestors
Slide a HELLA long time!
Save yourself from falling ten times
Earn all Platinums on Easy
Meet all the previous contestants
Earn all Platinums on Medium
Earn all Platinums on Hard
Medals Earned: 3/7 (20/160 points)
Remove the weight with half the civilians still alive.
You maliciously killed everyone.
The weight of the unaware has been lifted.
Complete the game with survivors with the weight of the unaware.
Complete the game leaving people injured but alive.
Complete the game without harming animals or civilians.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/9 (20/250 points)
Purchase a Health upgrade
Purchase a Speed upgrade
Completed level 1
Purchase a Strength upgrade
Completed level 5
Fully upgrade the Strength stat
Complete level 10
Fully upgrade the Health stat
Fully upgrade the Speed stat
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/215 points)
Learn how to play this game, dammit
Play freestyler mode
Complete levels 1 to 5
Complete levels 11 to 15
Complete levels 6 to 10
Complete levels 16 to 20
Complete levels 21 to 25
Complete all 30 levels to beat the game
Medals Earned: 3/3 (105/105 points)
Start already!
Beat the game
Win the game a certain amount of score.
Medals Earned: 6/6 (500/500 points)
Collect all items from the apartment
Destroy a city
Pleasure Ruth
Win the interplanetary war
Pleasure Daphne
When he sees it....
Medals Earned: 2/22 (10/140 points)
Kill a Princess or a Queen first on any level.
Hit and kill an enemy directly with a log.
Freeze 3 enemies in one shot.
Melt 100 castle pieces.
Detonate a remote bomb in flight.
Explode 100 castles pieces.
Hit and enemy directly with a parachute bomb.
Electrocute 5 enemies in one shot.
Destroy 10 castles with only log ammo.
Cover an enemy in acid.
Freeze 100 castle pieces.
Kill the Jester last on any level.
Burn 5 enemies in one shot.
Kill the king first on any level.
Burn 100 castle pieces.
Throw after the trebuchet has reached it's return point.
Kill and enemy with a remove bomb without detonating it.
Destroy 100 barrels.
Crush all castles
Get gold medals on all castles.
Medals Earned: 2/12 (15/285 points)
Beat all castles in Black Shores
Get gold in all castles in Black Shores
Beat all castles in Umbria
Beat all castles in Betsonia
Beat all castles in Dante Flats
Beat all castles in Wintervale
Get gold in all castles in Umbria
Get gold in all castles in Wintervale
Get gold in all castles in Dante Flats
Get gold in all castles in Betsonia
Get gold medals in all castles.
Medals Earned: 42/100 (210/500 points)
Man this would look nice on your wall!
Get a walkthrough at
Start a new game.
other stuff...
You ticket to medals!
Zoom zoom, in your boom boom!
Get everything!
Play with highscores at
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/265 points)
Unlock the golden background
Unlock an omega upgrade from the shop.
Add another factory!
Add some mystery to your game!